Since there are 24 heartpieces in this world of Hyrule, each 4 of them makes a new heart container, so you will get 6 full hearts for collecting all of them, Im gonna put them in a certain order like if it shows Kakariko Village, it shows the DW ones that are near it as in Kakariko = Village of Outcasts so these will be right near each other.
Heart Piece #1
Location: Kakariko Village
In the northeast of the Kakariko Village there is a cave hop into the hole
next to the cave entrance from the ledge above. You should see some oddly
colored rocks on the north wall near the chests, bomb it and claim the
Heart Piece behind it.Heart Piece #1
Location: Kakariko Village
Heart Piece #2
Location: Kakariko Village
In Blind's house, which is the only house in Kakariko that has a green
roof, anyways in the basement there is a cracked wall. use a bomb up
to find a Heart Piece.Heart Piece #2
Location: Kakariko Village
Heart Piece #3
Location: Kakariko Village
South of the village you can find a house right next to the library.
There is a boy who hates his brother so much that he sealed the wall
to the left. Bomb it, and run the race under 15 seconds to get a
Heart Piece.Heart Piece #3
Location: Kakariko Village
Heart Piece #4
Location: Village of Outcasts
In one of the houses in Village of Outcasts, you can play a treasure chests
game if you choose the right chest you get a heart piece, this will
take a while.Heart Piece #4
Location: Village of Outcasts
Heart Piece #5
Location: Village of Outcasts
Go to where the smithy house is in the Light World, but go there in the dark
world, pound all the stakes, to get a Heart Piece.Heart Piece #5
Location: Village of Outcasts
Heart Piece #6
Location: Village of Outcasts
Go near the spot where you raced to get a heart piece, instead this time
you get to dig holes for a heart piece, THIS ONE IS TOUGH.Heart Piece #6
Location: Village of Outcasts
Heart Piece #7
Location: Southern Swamp
Go inside and go north through the first room in the second room pull
the right lever in the to drain the water outside, revealing a Heart
Piece to the left of the shrine.Heart Piece #7
Location: Southern Swamp
Heart Piece #8
Location: Desert of Mystery
Towards the northeast of the desert you will find a cave in the wall.
Inside is a man who tells you about the Book of Mudora. In the same
room as him is a weak section of the southern wall. Behind it is a
Piece of Heart.Heart Piece #8
Location: Desert of Mystery
Heart Piece #9
Location: Desert of Mystery
Take the southwest exit from the Desert Palace to end up on a high
cliff ledge with a Piece of Heart.Heart Piece #9
Location: Desert of Mystery
Heart Piece #10
Location: Zora's Waterfall
Swim south of the big Zora and jump down one waterfall, then
follow the shallow path to the left. You will find a Piece of
Heart up on this high ledge.Heart Piece #10
Location: Zora's Waterfall
Heart Piece #11
Location: Outside Sanctuary
The group of five rocks on the cliff just west of the Sanctuary
conceals a Piece of Heart. Break the rocks with your Pegasus
Shoes.Heart Piece #11
Location: Outside Sanctuary
Heart Piece #12
Location: Death Mountain
Climb up the very long ladder next to the cave that takes you
back to Kakariko and look for spots off the south cliff wall
where you can jump from. Stand with your back facing the cave
and jump from the west side of the dark portion of the wall.
You'll be led upstairs to a Heart Piece.Heart Piece #12
Location: Death Mountain
Heart Piece #13
Location: Death Mountain
After transferring to the Dark World from the portal on Death
Mountain West, use the Mirror to return to the high cliff in the
Light World near the Tower of Hera. It has a Heart Piece atop it.Heart Piece #13
Location: Death Mountain
Heart Piece #14
Location: Death Mountain
At the summit of the mountain in the Dark World, west of Turtle
Rock, is a square rock slab which reveals a hidden cave.
Underground, there is a wide gap to the north between you
and the door. The Ether magic will light up the route. Take
the west route from there (bomb the wall) and head south out
of the cave. Then use the Magic Mirror.Heart Piece #14
Location: Death Mountain
Heart Piece #15
Location: Turtle Rock
When you go down to B1F, proceed through the dungeon until
you get the Big Key and are about to end up on a high ledge
outside. This is just before you get the Mirror Shield.
When you are outside, stand in front of the east cave and
use the Magic Mirror to transfer to a cave in the Light
World. Kill the enemies to get to the Heart Piece.Heart Piece #15
Location: Turtle Rock
Heart Piece #16
Location: Lost Woods
There is a 9 bushes in the Lost Woods, near the Thieves'
Hideout. Cut the middle one with your sword to open the
entrance to a Heart Piece.Heart Piece #16
Location: Lost Woods
Heart Piece #17
Location: Pyramid of Power
From the top, climb down two sets of staircases and jump
off the east. You'll see a Piece of Heart on the wall.Heart Piece #17
Location: Pyramid of Power
Heart Piece #18
Location: Haunted Grove
There is a ring of purple bushes just south of the grove. Stand in the ring
and transfer to the Light World to appear next to a cave on a cliff.
Inside is the prize.Heart Piece #18
Location: Haunted Grove
Heart Piece #19
Location: Ghost Ruins
The ladder towards the north leads to a ledge. Transfer to the Light
World to appear in front of a high cave.Heart Piece #19
Location: Ghost Ruins
Heart Piece #20
Location: Death Mountain - Base
In the Dark World, there is a single cave where the Sanctuary stands in
the Light World. Proceed west along the road until you reach a sign that
says, "This Way -> Cave." North of the sign is a cave in the foot of Death
Mountain. Go through the cave, using your Magic Cape to get past the
blue bumper, to find a Piece of Heart outside.Heart Piece #20
Location: Death Mountain - Base
Heart Piece #21
Location: Lumberjacks Home
After Agahnim is defeated for the first time, return to the Lumberjacks'
House and find a tree (the one they were cutting) with light green leaves.
Dash into it with the Pegasus Shoes to reveal an underground tunnel.Heart Piece #21
Location: Lumberjacks Home
Heart Piece #22
Location: Lake of Evil
A large circle of stones in the west waters of the lake will lead you to a
Piece of Heart in the Light World if you use your Magic Mirror there.Heart Piece #22
Location: Lake of Evil
Heart Piece #23
Location: Swamp of Evil
In the northern waters of the Swamp are two caves which actually resemble
faces. Go into the northwest one to find two chests. Move the blocks to get
access to the chests; one has Rupees while the other has a Piece of Heart.Heart Piece #23
Location: Swamp of Evil
Heart Piece #24
Location: Swamp of Evil
At the very northeast corner of the swamp is a circular niche. Use the Magic
Mirror to appear next to a flat slab in the Light World with a hidden cave
Heart Piece #24
Location: Swamp of Evil