First Quest Heart Container Locations
To find the 1st heart container go up 3 screens and left 1 screen from the starting point of the game. To find it, you need to burn the bush with a candle.
To find the 2nd heart container go right 4 screens from the starting point of the game. See the cracked wall? Bomb it.
To find the 3rd Heart Container go right 4 screens, go up 5 screens, and right 1 screen from the starting poing of the game. See the cracked wall? Bomb it.
To find the 4th Heart Container go right 8 screens and up 5 screens from the starting point of the game. Get on the dock and use the raft, and you will find a small building containing the heart container.
To find the 5th Heart Container go right 8 screens and up 2 screens from the starting point of the game. Grab it using the ladder.
Second Quest Heart Container
To find the 1st Heart Container go to the graveyard and push the tombstones to find it.
To find the 2nd Heart Container go right 1 screen, go up 5 screens, left 1 screen, up 1 screen, go left across the river with your raft, up 1 screen and left 1 screen from the start of the game. Use the whistle here to find it.
To find the 3rd Heart Container go right 1 screen, go up 5 screens, go right 2 screens, go down 1 screen from the starting point of the game. Use the whistle here to find it.
To find the 4th Heart Container go right 8 screens, go up 5 screens. Pull out the raft here to reach the heart.
To find the 5th Heart Container go right 8 screens, go up 2 screens from the starting point of the game. Pull out your ladder and use it to reach the heart.