There is a total of Six Big Octos lurking around someplace in the Great Sea in The Legend of Zelda: TWW. When you are looking to find the Six Big Octos, You need to go to an Island and look for some seagulls in a ring. As you get closer to them, the water will swirl, like a water tornado thingy and the giant beast will appear from the water. When you fight these Big Octos, you should use a weapon that can go a great distance, as a boomerang or your bows and arrows, When you use your boomerang or B&A attack its eyes. Each of the eyes take a total of 3 hits. After each one that you defeat, you either gain a magic meter upgrade, rupees, or a piece of heart. Though these prizes are based on the Octo you engage and defeat. HAPPY HUNTING :p
Octo Guide:
Seven Star Isle: This big octo has 12 eyes and for defeating it you will gain a Piece of Heart
Tingle Island: This big octo has 12 eyes and for defeating it you will gain a Piece of Heart
Fire Mountain: This big octo has 8 eyes and for defeating it you will gain 200 rupees (silver rupee)
Private Oasis: This big octo has 8 eyes and for defeating it you will gain 200 rupees (silver rupee)
Diamond Steppe Island: This big octo has 4 eyes and for defeating it you will gain a Magic Meter Upgrade.