Far beneath the great seas depths, there reside seven submarines, they are basically wooden barrel type objects, You can sail up to them and enter them and figh for a great sometimes emense treasure. Some of these submarines are very challenging some are fairly easy. After you defeat every last enemy a ladder will drop that takes you to the treasure.
Sub. Guide:
North Fairy Island: After you defeat all of the enemies on board, you will get the 'Treasure Chart #22'
Cresent Moon Island: After you defeat all of the enemies on board, you will get the 'Treasure Chart #9'
Flight Control Platform: After you defeat all of the enemies on board, you will get the 'Platform Chart'
Six-Eye Reef: After you defeat all of the enemies on board, you will get a 'Piece of Heart'
Bomb Island: After you defeat all of the enemies on board, you will get an 'Empty Bottle'
Headstone Island: After you defeat all of the enemies on board, you will get the 'Treasure Chart #14'
Five-Star Isles: After you defeat all of the enemies on board, you will get a 'Piece of Heart'